Fees and help with childcare costs

As we are OFSTED registered, families in receipt of Tax Credits or Universal Credit can get up to 80% of their costs for after school and holiday clubs paid. Families not in receipt of these benefits can get 10% of their costs (non funded pre school hours, after school and holiday clubs) paid through the Tax Free Childcare Scheme. See here for more details.

Pre school

We offer funded preschool places and accept both 15 and 30 hours funding and funded places for eligible 2 year olds. Costs for non-funded hours are £5.00 an hour.

After school

Currently not running

Holiday clubs

£30.00 a day (9.30 – 3.30, 6 hours care).

Toddler group

Children over 1 year old £5.00 per session (additional siblings over 1 year old £2.00 a session). We offer special rates for childminders – get in contact for more details.

Home Ed / Flexi Ed

£25.00 a day (9.30 – 2.30, 5 hours care).